F2P friendly and events orientated smithy guide.
Guide to Pawn Shop / Smithy
By h0lics
Random gear / blueprint
- Costs 400 iron meteorites for a chance of a blue, purple or gold.
- It’s not worth saving for events or using speedups due to the high chances of blue so forge them as you get them for the chances of better.
Blue gear / blueprints
- Bad stats, costs 150 iron meteorites and only worth 1000 points in MGE. (mightiest governor event).
- Only really good for padding your power so do not use or forge unless it’s the best you have available (don’t need gear on all your heroes, focus the main ones).
- The only viable use is when fully advanced for a boost to gatherer heroes unit capacity. Or dismantle at lvl 0 for 50 gear exp.
Purple gear / blueprints
- Cost 400 iron meteorites for 5000 points in MGE.
- The most f2p friendly way to make points and can get better stats than low level gold gear without paying.
- recommend to save but use only after you have forged gold gear for the event.
- Can be dismantled at lvl 0 for 250 gear exp.
Gold gear / blueprints
- Costs 3000 iron meteorites for 15000 points in MGE.
- The pinnacle of gear, a must have for your heroes.
- Always be working towards this, anything else won’t suffice. Can save for events but want to get off purple gear asap, you can dismantle for 100% of your levels back.
- Prioritise acquiring these from any and all shops, especially if they are not random.
- Avoid dismantling.
Defence or damage?
- Both equally! But many like to lean heavier towards defence to protect valuable troops.
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