Quick Guide to Arcane Chests
Basically don’t open chests until you get at least 1 AS on your 12-15 top heroes, cuz as you’ve seen you don’t really get new heroes to appear once you open too many chests.
Arcane Chest apply Arcane Stars at a random level (1-7 Arcane Stars for the Basic chests). While this can be a great power boost, when your heroes are below EQ 8 or 9, the power differential can really mess up your Top 5 heroes, by giving more power than you can compensate for in your primary and secondary squads and elevating heroes you may not be playing or may not be using all the time into your top 5 heroes. This has the effect of distorting the total power of your top 5.
This will have a tremendously adverse effect on both your Tomb of Horrors and Tourney results as your Tomb of Horror opponents and your Tourney shard are determined by the total power of your Top 5 heroes.
Heroes unlock generally between 3 to 5 stars. And many heroes require level 50/5 star/EQ 5 sub factions to unlock the event. Before you learn about squad building you can have heroes you invested a lot of equipment in,
So in any of these cases let’s say your heroes are about 6k in power. So your best squad is 30k total. Now you open a chest and all the sudden you have the “fortune” to open a chest and all the sudden have a Gatekeeper or Roland or Shni that jumps from 5k to 7.55k. So now your ToH is based on 32.5k while your squad that you use is still 30k and your Tourney shard is 32.5k while your squad is still 30k. Even worse it can pump up a hero you are using beyond the balance of the rest of your team.
Let’s say you get 5 stars on Lucky and all the sudden he is 9.3 and the rest of your team is still 24k total. He’ll be one tougher bunny, but you will be facing 33.3k squads in ToH and Tourney that your damage dealers just don’t have the power to wear down. So the rest of your team dies to the higher power squad and then Lucky is sitting there on resurrection cool down.with little ability to damage the opposing squad as he is getting one attack to their 5 and eventually he dies before his skills can revive your Magnus again.
Now later when your squads are at least 8 or 9 EQ and closer to 8-9k power then Gatekeeper or Shni or Roland isn’t going to bust into your top 5 and 12.4 Lucky may make your ToH and Tourney go up from 40k to 44.5k but you will have squad synergy working to punch above your weight then. So it’s recommended that they are at 5 star EQ 9 with enough shards for the 6th star before you consider opening arcane chests.
But wait that’s only half the equation.
The second reason for not opening Arcane Star chests is this. Arcane Star chests are completely RNG (random number generator) based, so you may end up with AS on some of your favorite squad, or all if you are incredibly lucky or none if you are unlucky.
Unfortunately, the way PlayKot has designed the Token shop is for you to get offers on heroes you have AS on already. So once you have AS on 12-15 heroes the random 1 AS or more offers you want for the heroes in your squads start disappearing. So if you spend your initial 20k in AS coins you open 10 chest get 10 random AS on heroes and all the sudden you only have 2-5 additional opportunities to get at least 1 AS on the heroes you want in the Token Shop before they disappear. WE DON’T WANT THIS.
Optimally we want to be able to pick and choose which 12-15 heroes have AS so they will continue to appear in the token shop. So how do we do this? We start by not opening ANY chests in the Arcane Stars shop. Then we plan out our roster, optimally with the guidance of a roster review to decide which 12-15 heroes we will definitely want to have AS on so we continue getting offers in the Token Shop.
Then, we buy 1 AS offers on the heroes we want until we have 12-15 heroes with 1 AS and the 1 AS offers disappear. Generally, heroes with one AS appear in the shop about 75% of the time so with 8-9 offers at level 80 you should be able to see 1 AS offers until 12-15 heroes have 1 AS. Sometimes there will be 4 offers, sometimes 2, sometimes 1, it’s again random based on the AS you already have on heroes.
Once you are comfortable with the heroes you have locked in your AS, get 2 AS on them at the very least, 3 is optimal if you have the tokens. THEN we start opening chests. And guess what the heroes you want will continue to show up in the Token Shop because they already have AS and that’s the way PlayKot designed it.
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