Guide to All Mine Safe Locations
By Antonov
With all the guides about safe on mine being made but some locations are deemed too complex for rookie operators and people who simply can’t clear out a large and complex building.
Firstly we had. The hillside park area. Located near the cables car stations in the HTZ (hillside tourist zone) with the building B and building C (Located up hill outside the building A&B and it near a building part of the cables car stations uphills).
For the safe in the building C. It located at 8F outside the building A and building B. It had a old style safe in there. On 2F in the room C-804. And then other safe is located at 6F. Quite isolated but not hard to find.
Then we had the hostel. Located near the lake. Part of the lake industrial zone or (LIZ). This area includes 3 building. 2 of them contain safe. 1 locked and 1 free. The free one is located on the 2F and the locks one in on the 3F of the “MR” building.
Then we had the pit no1 area and the prison mine. Located at the PMZ or the prison mining zone in the northeast of the map. This area includes the no.1 pit and the prison (inside and underground).
For the prison
The only free safe is located deep inside the cave. That is now a prison.
Details: To get to this safes, you must first go to Detention Center, there will you find multiple doors, find the stairs and take a left, the safe is in the room at the end of the hallway. Otherwise there are 2 other locked rooms in it. 1 on the 1F and 1 on the 2F.
Then for the pit area there 2 safe. 1 free. In the transport zone. and 1 behind locked door in the rest point.
Also the transport zone. Also may had event items spawn here as well (They usually on a table).
And then we had the freight station area. Located at the SAFZ (storage and freight zone). Located at the southeast.
This stations had 2 locked room that may contain high-tier loot boxs but there a free safe located on the left platform of the freight station. And if you enter the freight from the the right side then it will be on your right. Additionally, if you come in from the left. Then it will be on your left.
ALL Free
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