Here is the list with all blueprint locations in pictures.
Locations of All Blueprints
Power cell chargers
- Location of power cell charging fragments.
Caves of Theta-9
Golden Bubble
Vehicle module fragments
Vehicle manufacturer cave
Golden bubble
Deposit miner fragments
Good luck you gotta triangulate this one, it is by the large gold asteroid. This one is near the iridium gas next to the working warp portal and golden dome.
Two for the price of one, Golden Dome.
Usually spawns with one. Rare: Two for the price of one, same location for both occurrences. Quartz Deposit near broken portal.
Behind the research outpost.
Asteroid Miner Locations (5 in total)
Theta-9 left side caves.
Old Hub Station, 3 pieces.
Theta-9, turn from light beacon, and close to crystal.
For Those Struggling to Find the 4 Bedroom Keycards
Marcus Danner – Located in the Vehicle manufacturing Cave.
Ethan Carter – Located in the Depot Room Dome (near the Broken Warp Gate).
Alex Turner – Located OUTSIDE the domes on Research Island.
Reese Callahan – Located at the Research Island Dome.
Summon Vehicle Fragments
Outside the Vehicle manufacturing Cave.
At the roof of the second large Area.
In a small cave in the second large Area
On a platform leading to the last large Area
Small dome on Research Island
This is currently all unlockable Blueprints from Blue Print Boxes and the order you get them in Blueprint unlock order:
- Shield Module
- Enameled Glass
- Mining Speed T2
- Mining Power T2
- Filled Oxygen Tank
- Improved Med Kit
- Scan Distance T1
- 1L Water
- Battery Saver T2
- Summon Speed Module T2
- Hook Throw Distance T1 12 Hook Move Speed T1
- Mining Power T3
- Scan Distance T2
- Battery Saver T3
- Storage Module T2
- Hook Throw Distance T2
- Hook Move Speed T2
- Summon Health Upgrade T2 20 Storage Module T3
- Scan Distance T3
- Summon Speed Module T3
- Hook Throw Distance T3
- Hook Move Speed T3
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