Basic Guide to Barbarian
Perks: Robust
Then pick from:
- [Solo] Savage or Berserker, Crush, Iron Will, Potion Chugger, (Advanced Players) Lungs
- [Duo / Trio] Lungs, Iron Will, Berserker, Crush, Potion Chugger
Dedicated Axe Build: Axe Spec (If you plan on spamming Frans)
Skills: Rage + Savage Roar or Savage Roar + Achilles
Alternative Skills (Less consistent): Achilles + Blood Exchange
- [Solos] Zwei/Bardiche + Viking Sword/Lantern
- [Duo / Trio] Felling/Maul + Viking Sword/Shield
Stat Rolls (Best to Build/Stack):
- [Solos] Dex, Movement Speed, Movement Speed %, Action Speed, Physical Power, Physical Damage, Weapon Damage
- [Duo / Trio] Movement Speed, Movement Speed %, Armor, Health, Magic Resist, Dexterity/Action Speed, Physical Damage/Weapon Damage
Gear Choices:
- (Hands) Leather Gloves, Reinforced, Riveted
- (Boots) Adventurers Boots, Laced Turnshoe, Lightfoot
- (Pants) Cloth Pants, Loose Trousers, Padded
- [Duo / Trio] Heavy Leather
- (Chest) [Solo] No Chest (If running Savage), Adventurer Tunic, Light Aketon
- [Duo / Trio] Northern Full Tunic, Studded Leather
- (Helm) Norman Nasal Helm, Visored Sallet, Gjermundbu, Leather Cap
- [Trios] Barbuta
- (Back) Mercurial, Vigilant, Adventurer
- (Amulet) Monkey, Bear, Fox, Ox, Peace
- (Rings) Finesse, Quickness, Vitality
Target Stats (Stats to Aim For):
310+ Movement Speed, 160+ HP, 10-12% Action speed
Tips: [Solo]
- Use throwing axes while chasing for chip/kill confirms.
- If you are getting spaced out by Wizard/Ranger/Warlock disengage and relocate to a different part of the map, if unable to do so, disengage to a smaller module with tight corners to force engage.
- If your Health Recovery is 80% plus you can sit in the storm for a long amount of time waiting for a static extract.
- If being chased by a ranged class you can close a door and then wait for the opponent to interact on the door then crush the door for a free gap close.
Tips: [Duo / Trio]
- Have your Wizard/Cleric/Bard buff prior to engages and focus on the target with the least PDR – Invis can allow you to close the gap but after image will limit this time
- While ranged classes are trading, hide near a doorway to prevent pushes and rogue engagements
- Hydra’s can be crouch jumped to allow for engagements, be aware that in these moments you will be separated from your support/damage dealers
Felling Axe: Weapon has a long recovery time, be sure that every swing will connect. If an opponent is blocking, you can jump and aim slightly down to hit their head over the top of the shield.
Zwei: Use Accells to extend the threat range of the attack to zone out enemies. Be aware that Zwei has a decent wind-up time and without Action Speed this can lead to a free punish from your opponent.
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