Build Guide for Fighter / DK
Fighter Pref / DK Variant
- 2H Sword + Sword and Shield
- Tangling Chain III + Pity of Death I
- Played in trios with a Priest(or Cryo) + DPS
As the thorny tank you will focus survivability and force space for your team. Your goal is to become the focus of the enemy, you will stack up health and resistances + a couple new affixes.
Life Recovered on defend, damage reflected on successful block, shield when using a skill.
Your goal in trios is to get into the team do a bit of chip while waiting for the 3s timer if possible to get maximum shield value from Tangling Chain along with MS and health regen. From there you focus is one of two things, if they are trying to focus your priest pocket or dps you need to use the MS and reposition yourself and make space for them, use the launch of Sword and Shield to keep enemies locked down, flasks as well.
Make them focus you instead, if they ignore you then you can use the TC/Dash MS in behind them and whirlwind them to death. If running the DK variant use your aura for space + grab to keep your squishies safe.
If you DO fully get focused then your goal is to parry LS or just sword and board and turtle, The reflect damage + life regen on block + your pocket priest keeps you up and puts your enemy into a worse spot due to the reflect damage while your DPS chunks them.
That concludes the guide, hope you found it helpful!
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