Gold Perks and Other Gold Purchases
By The Goddess.
Let’s first note that what you purchase of course depends on whether you buy gold or not. You’ll be able to get gold in-game via:
- Achievements
- Quests
- Masteries
- Events
- Player-created giveaways
- Trading for other ingame items
- And a little from town hall > get free gold.
Of course, purchasing gold does allow for more perk purchasing freedom! Especially early on that can give you a big boost.
Extension Perks
Let’s start off with the 3 extension perks:
- Mailbox: (Bought via post office) I would recommend getting your mailbox to at least 20. This will really help with trading and you’ll also get many more free items sent to you. The mailbox can become a very important part of the game unless you’re going completely solo. Overall, a mailbox size of 50 is very appreciated and desired. But don’t focus on it too much!
Note: Becoming a Patreon supporter allows you to 2x/3x/4x/5x your MB size.
- Inventory: A big inventory is really helpful and I’d recommend soon buying 100 extra slots. You will want more overtime, but, of course, gold is limited.
Note: You will be able to buy a warehouse, which will give you + inventory every day. There are two perks (Forklift I/II) you can buy to increase the amount of inventory you get per day. Very worthwhile once you unlock the warehouse.
- Warehouse: You can also upgrade the warehouse max amount per item, for gold. This can be very useful later on in the game, when you want to keep more of specific items, such as items asked for in lots of quests, so you don’t have to void those items. Not good to spend gold on it early on, but once you spend a lot of gold on inventory, some extra cheap space in warehouse might be a better option!
- Stamina: DON’T buy stamina. Your stamina consumables will allow you to go over the maximum. Your main source of stamina will be consumables.
Note: You’ll be able to build a farmhouse for more max stamina per day. The associated perk is Mattress Pad and isn’t really worth buying.
Early Game Perks
- Lemon Squeezer and Reinforced Netting: These are very good early perks to get as they increase the number of items you get per lemonade or net.
- Resource Saver II: Get more crafts from the same amount of resources.
- Irrigation System I/II: Together with the perk point ones, you’ll be able to reduce crop time by 80%. These are very important.
- Fertilizer: Get more silver! Always very desirable.
- Forklift I/II: As mentioned above, a very worthwhile purchase and one you’ll want as soon as you have your warehouse.
Mid Game / Late Game Perks
- Forester III/IV: Get more fruits from your orchard. Pay attention to your max inventory, though!
- Orchard Lands: These allow you to grow more trees. Again, pay attention to your max inventory! No need to purchase them if your inventory can’t handle the fruit amount.
- Grape Juice Pitcher: 1 extra juice use a day (instant crop growth).
Note: You will also get extra juice uses from becoming a Patreon supporter.
- Iron Depot: Iron and nails are used in many many crafts. This keeps them stocked at all times. It also removes iron drops (increasing other drops) in exploration. (Also big QoL purchase!)
- Extra wish(es): These can allow you to get certain quest items faster. It’s not vital, but very useful for sure.
- Toolbox: While it’s not very valuable for the majority of crafts, it can get valuable for crafting spheres as they cost 1m and 2m silver to craft.
Playstyle Dependent
- Sprint Shoes 1/2: This doubles, and doubles again, your stamina effectiveness per click. Might be useless if you use apple ciders.
- Cinnamon Sticks: 1250 instead of 1000 stamina used per Apple Cider. Might be useless if you prefer clicking for stamina usage.
- Wheel Boost/Wheel Credit/Wheel Bonus: Allows for many more items to be gained from Wheel of Borgen. On lucky rolls, you might get over 100 nets/orange juices/lemonades or other useful items! Does require spending Ancient Coins daily.
- Bank Perks: Banker 1&2, as well as Savings Account 1 can be helpful. Savings Account II and III are too much gold for what they give you. Those are only worth it if you play very casually and want to let interest gain while you’re away, or you really like free money at reset. (lots of gold, though (750), that you’ll probably not have)
Quality of Life Perks
- Yes I’m sure: You will want this. Those confirmations are gonna be the death of you!
- Inventory monitor: Really helps you more easily see whether you’re full on something or not.
- Pet all perks: With a max of 250 per animal, these can be absolute lifesavers!
- Fish Supplier: Can be useful once you reach Large Island and use big nets. For 25 gold it’s not too bad. But not that useful early game.
- Collect-o-Matic/Pet Whistle: CoM is very useful once you have many pets. Pet Whistle really only just saves a few clicks.
- Bulletin Board: BB is a nice addition, but overall not that important. The highlight is pretty much useless since you shouldn’t really sell most items anyway, as you might either need them for quests or for the community center.
- Distributor: You won’t really sell most crops, you’ll make money other ways. It mainly puts an extra button where it shouldn’t be. The quality of life on this one is subpar for most playstyles.
Mediocre Perks
- Any wine/cellar perk: While wine will give you a decent income overtime, you’ll get a lot more income from certain other methods. This makes wine perks not very interesting. Could become more interesting the more casual you play. But then you likely won’t have the gold to make it worth it.
- Exp perks: Fishing and Crafting are easy to level. Buying exp perks for these isn’t worth it. Exploration and farming can be helpful to get a little extra exp. But don’t buy them until you bought the other useful perks in this list.
These Perks Suck
- Stamina: Again, don’t bother!
- Star Map: You really do not want to use charters/expeditions unless you’re a whale. And even then… not really.
- Wheel Grease: Ehhh, unless you’re that impatient, do not buy. Just not worth it.
- Codebreaker: The silver you get from the vault isn’t all that amazing. And you’ll usually be able to get it in 4 guesses, or otherwise be able to use 50 ancient coins for 4 additional guesses.
- Please Recycle II: Glass is fairly easy to gain, so it’s not really worth it. Unless maybe you use a thousand bottles+ a day.
- Slaughter all perks: Slaughtering all your animals at once will waste your animals as you’ll go way over your inventory cap.
Other Ways to Spend Gold
- Flea Market: DO NOT USE (Use wishing well instead, or explore/fish for the stuff)
- Expeditions/Charters: DO NOT USE (You’d be better off buying OJ for that gold)
- Daily Chores: If you miss some days for rewards, you can spend gold to get that missing day. Extra chores can only fill in missing days, they don’t give you extra days.
- Extra Wishing Well throws: DO NOT USE (Buy the perks for extra free daily throws, don’t spend gold per usage!)
- Emblem and Name colour: Bought from settings. No game function, just purely to stand out a little bit.
Extra: Some achievements to pay attention to for extra gold: (Note, spoilers if you don’t want to know.)
There are many achievements available. In total they give nearly 2k gold.
Most of these achievements come from simply playing, reaching new levels, adding buildings, etc. Some can use a bit of knowledge and can be sped up. Here is a list of things one can work on for some gold.
- Donate items to the community center. When you see the CC with an easy to get item to donate, you might want to donate as much of it as you can. At 10k donated you get 10 gold, at 100k donated you get 100 gold. (These are totals, not during a single CC task.)
- 7 day CC streak. This one isn’t always possible. Streaks might fail because players couldn’t donate enough. But do pay attention to it. If you donated to 7 successful CC tasks in a row, you’ll get a 10 gold reward.
- Get a fishing streak of 100/1000. This will give you 5/50 gold respectively. You can only get streaks with bait. Any bait except mealworms works. If you lose a streak, you can use ice tea to regain the streak.
- Catch 1k/10k fish. This also only counts with bait. (mealworms work, too). Gives you 5/50 gold respectively.
- Hire Expedition/Charter: While expeditions/charters shouldn’t be used for regular benefits, using them a single time for 1 hour (1 gold each) will give you 10 gold for each.
- Slaughter a cow. Yes, :(. For a 10 gold reward, you can decide to slaughter a cow if you otherwise deemed to ignore that function.
- Buy a steak: For a 10 gold reward, just go to town and buy a steak. You can sell it afterwards.
I hope this was helpful to you!
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