Oh well it’s not going to be quick—it’s practically a raid boss especially if you are under leveled.
Pyro Boss Guide
By Armored Neko
Team comp
- You need a doll that can apply movement down 2—this is a hard requirement; the boss cannot be fought without one. Thankfully your official waifu Groza got it covered and her range makes her easy to use too. Sabrina’s shared node is the best option if you have it.
- It’s better to use dolls with longer range, 6-range dolls are hard to use in this fight so use as few of them as possible.
- Try not to overload the team with dolls weak to fire—the boss won’t toss the extra Molotov if you don’t have any doll with fire weakness at all but it’s a tall order.
- Keep in mind that we’ll do a 3-2 split and both sides must have enough firepower to take down a grenadier quickly. If you are using Groza it’s a good idea to put her on the 3 side as she needs teammates nearby for contamination gain.
Team level
I cleared level 58 with a level 48 team but I cannot suggest it since you need some crack dolls to make it happen. At the very minimum you have to be able to deal with the 2 grenadiers the turn they spawn. And ofc, the higher your level the easier it will be.
Boss Mechanics and Strategy
Boss mechanics
Molotov toss
The boss throws a Molotov at the furthest doll, killing exposed dolls outright but only deal moderate stab damage to dolls in cover—you need to tank it almost every turn. When he is in frenzy state he will toss one more Molotov at a doll with fire weakness—inherent or acquired—make sure the doll tanking the far toss does not have fire weakness otherwise 2 tosses are almost always lethal. Note that the boss usually starts tossing before he moves so it’s a good bait for counters/ambushes.
Long fire and short fire
The boss has a long fire which covers a width 7 height 4 triangle area, with his 1 movement (after movement reduction 2 ofc) keep a 5-tile distance (horizontally) from him when he uses long fire. The short fire only covers a 5*3 area so a 4-tile distance would be good enough. Short fire leaves behind fire tiles and that’s why we need to control the boss in the center area—you don’t want fire tiles everywhere especially not under your dolls.
Global AOE and water tiles
Every 3 turns the boss will use a global AOE killing anyone who isn’t standing on a water tile. Thankfully, the map comes with a few water tiles and water barrels that will spawn a pool of water once destroyed. These water tiles are special as they exist forever—unlike water tiles made by Sabrina even if they look the same. Take extra caution around water tiles, you don’t want them getting replaced by other tile effects.
Map debuff
The moment you start the battle all your dolls get a map-wide debuff called high heat, reducing your stability damage and attack. This debuff stacks and every turn one more stack will be applied, reducing your combat capability further on top of fueling the frenzy aura. You might be able to see a pattern here but standing on water tiles dispells this debuff while granting immunity. More reason for staying hydrated.
Frenzy aura
The boss will enter frenzy state occasionally, I’ve already mentioned the extra Molotov toss but the main thing is a frenzy aura that turns every doll’s damage into fire damage (which he is immune to). The effective range is 4 tiles but if any doll has any fire-based debuff it extends to 6 including the aforementioned map debuff. The extension is avoidable as long as you are careful—stay on water tiles, kill grenadiers quickly and don’t get burnt by the boss. Note that good old regular burns won’t be dispelled by the magical water, you need a medic for those if something goes wrong.
Keep an eye on the boss’s action bar
While the actions he took are all pre-determined, there’s no need to remember as they are shown on the screen. There’s also a cheat table in the last part of this guide just in case.
Keep the boss in the centre
A tried-and-true strategy is splitting your dolls into 2 groups and place them on the left and right side of the map, forming an encirclement. Whenever the boss is threatening one side, bait him away by placing a doll as close as possible on the opposite side. Remember to keep movement reduction 2 on him at all times.
Stay hydrated
The water tiles spawned by shooting barrels exist forever until destroyed by other terrain effects. Leave the water tiles only when the boss doesn’t have frenzy or global AOE lined up.
Deal with grenadier mob ASAP
Their grenades will leave behind fire tiles which destroys your precious water tiles. If you have to take a grenade, bait it away from your water tiles.
Cheat Table
Turn 1
- Molotov >move>long fire.
Kill the starting Mob and move to both sides. Don’t stay in your starting area as you only have precious moments to set up the encirclement.
Turn 2
- Move>short fire>frenzy.
Global AOE coming up next turn so be ready.
Turn 3
- Molotov>global AOE>move>short fire (frenzy state) Mob spawns.
At this point you should have your encirclement set up now it’s just whittling down the boss.
Turn 4
- Molotov>move>long fire (frenzy state).
Turn 5
- Move>short fire>frenzy.
Turn 6
- Molotov>global AOE>move>short fire (frenzy state).
Turn 7
- Molotov>move>long fire (frenzy state), Mob spawns.
At this point you should get the gist of it, good hunting and good luck with these pesky gold attachments.
An example of turn 1 setup. Tololo still has her 2nd turn and will move a bit to the left, so Daiyan above him will be his closest target thus make the boss moving up.
An example of turn 2 setup. Pyro doesn’t toss bottle this turn so as long as all dolls keep a healthy distance he can’t do anything. Set up the encirclement as much as possible.
At this point the encirclement is complete, just bait the boss left and right as you see fit.
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