Beginners Guide to Combat
Hit / Break Combos
Hit Combos
Grants bonuses to your Gunpla’s battle performance. They are triggered by each hit on enemy Gunplas. Each Hit Combo Bonus Level goes up and down in one increment. For example, losing all Hit Combo bonuses from Lvl 4 will require a player to completely deplete each Level’s gauges that also resets the combo values (Lvl 4 -> Lvl 3 -> Lvl 2 -> Lvl 1-> Lvl 0).
Here is the list of effects for Hit Combos:
- [Lvl 1] x Hit Combo = Improved Attack Power 10%
- [Lvl 2] x Hit Combo = Improved Long-Range Gauge Recovery Speed
- [Lvl 3] x Hit Combo = Increased Thruster Gauge Recovery Speed
- [Lvl 4] x Hit Combo = Improved Close-Range Reaction Speed
- [Lvl 5] x Hit Combo = OP Skill Cooldown Reduction
- [Lvl 6] x Hit Combo = Improved EX Gauge Increase
- [Lvl 7] x Hit Combo = Improved When Hit Combo Hits
- [Lvl 8] x Hit Combo = Break Combo Window Up
- [Lvl 9] 300x Hit Combo = Improved Attack Power 50% & Parts Lost chance Up 10%
Break Combos
Improves drop rate of Items and Parts with each Bonus Level.
There are different conditions to increase your Break Combos depending on the enemy type:
- [HG] with one thin line of HP bar = Gunpla’s Destruction.
- [MG & HG] with stacks of multiple HP bars = Each HP bar depleted.
- [PG] with stacks of multiple HP bars = Each HP bar depleted with longer decay time. Certain actions by PG bosses completely refills the combo gauge as well.
Each Break Combo Bonus Level goes up and down in one increment in the same manner as Hit Combo Bonus Levels, resetting the combo values with each time the gauge depletes.
Here is the list of effects for Break Combos:
- [Lvl 1] 2x Enemy Destroyed / Health Bar = Improved Item Drop Rate 100%
- [Lvl 2] 4x Enemy Destroyed / Health Bar = Improved Parts Drop Rate 100%
- [Lvl 3] 13x Enemy Destroyed / Health Bar = Improved Rare Item Drop Rate 100%
Parts Lost
Certain attacks, such as Machinegun and explosives, can have higher chance at triggering Parts Lost to a Gunpla.
Both the opponents’ and players’ Gunplas will lose all attacks and skills related to the parts caused by Parts Lost until they return back.
When causing a Parts Lost to the opponent’s Legs part, the player can instantly destroy the opponent’s Gunpla with Ground Break attack. It can only be performed with Saber, Axe, Twinblade and Melee close-range weapons.
Shooting Mode
The Shooting Mode camera option turns all your range attacks to manual aim and disables all melee attacks, where the player fights in Third-Person-Shooter and increases all range attack’s damage by 13~15%.
Shooting Mode also changes Funnel skill type’s behavior to only attack the target when they’re sighted within the reticle. This makes it possible for Funnels to ‘charge up’ its attacks by having it not attack for a while, and then dumping it all at once on a target.
EX / OP Skills
Part’s Rarity and Level does not impact the Skills’ availability. Skills’ overall damage output uses the average between Left and Right weapons’ Power values. EX Skills have Cost restriction in relation to their usage, while OP Skills have Cooldown restriction.
Certain Skills must have specific parts of the same set equipped, such as Left & Right Zaku Warrior Arms for a tackle, or dual Strike Freedom rifles for combination beam attack.
Skills may have alternative attacks when you hold down their inputs, often with a completely different moveset or extending their original usage.
When skills are used, they are activated based on where it’s positioned on the Gunpla. This is a lot more apparent with range skills that shoot from those relevant parts.
- For example, Infinite Justice’s Backpack has a gerobi EX Skill that fires from the weapon, so if you position it, say, on the Gunpla’s feet, the gerobi will actually fire from your feet where the backpack part is positioned at.
Some skills move the part’s position when used, but it stays there if your previous action before using the skill occupies the position that the skill is supposed to move towards.
- For example, if you have your shield on your back that moves to your left arm when using its skill, by using your left long range weapon first to keep it busy, the shield’s skill will activate from your back instead.
Some skills can have multiples of its copies activated simultaneously with its Cost increasing proportionally to its numbers.
- For example, stacks of Shield Bit EX Skill can be activated all at once.
I hope this was helpful to you!
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