Common Mistakes and Tips for Effective Teamplay
Supports should avoid pushing turrets and instead help provide escape vision for the adc when lane pushing.
Supports who want to push lanes. Stop! You are only hurting your team, and your carry’s farm ability.
Supports should also stop clearing minions solo. Its not your job. You should stick with the team. Its okay if you’re the only one left but not clearing minions in the middle of the map.
To people randomly clearing minions. As an ADC i heavily depend on minions to ramp up attack speed (as hou yi, and huang), as well as maintaining health when enemy heroes are not around and I need to top up hp without going back or to re engage. L
Be more map aware. Purple dragon > yellow dragon. Stop split pushing when there is a team fight. There are very few instances where you should be split pushing. If you are an ADC and split pushing instead of in a team fight, you are causing the team to lose.
Learn map rotations, when you win a team fight and can clear a tower or 2, that always takes priority over buffs. Too many teams lose having more kills than the other because they refuse to push towers when fights are won.
And for the love of god, stop trying to play ADC mid or top unless you are in a premade. Also if you are a tank, stop over engaging/hiding behind your team. Engage when you have the team around you and you can lock someone up. Team cant initiate if the tank doesnt. This also goes for support. Too many people think they need to immediately fight the second they are in the lane. Chill out, poke, farm, wait for an opening. Constantly diving at the enemy hurts the lane and opens it up.
+1 to objectives > buffs. Had tons of games where we could take towers but they take buffs instead. We’re losing but is buffs going to help us win? We need towers.
+1 to tanks doesn’t initiate. Happened a lot when I use Charlotte. Can’t flank if no one distracting.
Important note
When your team wins the overlord don’t just randomly send the dragon down a lane especially if you’re not going to push it. The Dragon down the lane that has least pushed minions. This gives you many ways a fresh lane to go walking down and push with the dragon, it allows you to push a different lane essentially forcing a split push. If you are losing, you can wait until you’re exposed lane is pushed close to your base and then cast it which will keep that exposed lane from pushing hard.
I see a lot of people just randomly throw it around without thinking about it and probably don’t realize that it clears the minions out of that lane
I hope you found this useful!
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