Darius Team Fighting Tips
3 main ways for Darius to get his full stacks:
- Flank hide in bush to catch 1 person off guard and kill him fast.
- During team fight just ult the person with low hp.
- Get stacks from enemy tanks engaging into you.
Don’t go too far deep in team fight otherwise you get bursted.
Imo as Darius you cant engage first unless your snowballing, usually just stay in the back but not far back and wait for enemies to use their spells on your teammates then try to pick someone off with your combo.
Try to not start with e cuz its way more useful saved.
You also have ghost and you can buy protobelt or glorius enchant (sometimes qss but imo only in extreme cases).
A lot of champs try to jump on your backline like bruisers or tank or an assassin so if enemy team have like a fed top or jg then watch them in teamfights and try to follow them when they jump on your team and pull them with hook and build stacks.
Then you can, if you have flash, flash on backline with q (q-flash) aa once, ult and they just die.
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