How to Improve Micro and Macro
General Tips
- Best way to improve micro is to play aggressive.
- And macro is basically how to make urself stronger.
- Keep looking at map for resources you can take like sidelane minions, jg camps or enemy champs that are overextending.
- Buy a cheap electric timer or use an old phone and set timers for thirty seconds before objectives.
- Be smart about objectives.
- If you can get stronger by staying in lane and getting turret plating/first turret ditch objective.
- Remember everytime you roam, you will lose gold in your lane so try to fulfill something or push out wave beforehand.
For Macro
- Play off of item spikes and cooldowns.
- If you base and buy a full item and you have flash and ult up you can look to fight.
- Play off map pressure.
- You see 4 enemies concentrated on one side of the map.
- It means you can put pressure on the other side of the map.
- Or if you see an ally heavily pushed up they will probably get collapsed on by enemy team.
- So you can preemptively put urself in a position to punish the enemy for comitting people to collaspe on your ally.
- Either by doing an obj like baron or drag.
- Or pushing towers on the opposite side of the map.
- Usually when players see a fight break out their first instinct is to rush in to help.
- When there are often better things you can be doing.
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