Ludus – Perks Strategy Guide

Most often, especially beginners (myself included when I started) thought that heroes mattered everything. That there was maybe one best deck to work towards. But as you reach arena 7 you suddenly get a whole load of extra dynamics and strategies thrown into your face. Namely perks.

Perks Make the Hero

By Madelyn Aurora

Most often, especially beginners (myself included when I started) thought that heroes mattered everything. That there was maybe one best deck to work towards. But as you reach arena 7 you suddenly get a whole load of extra dynamics and strategies thrown into your face. Namely perks.

Most often they are overlooked by beginners. They think, my deck matters the most and don’t care about the perks or the slots they have available. They just give some perks to some heroes without diving in what their true potential is.

But perks are the things that can make a C tier legendary suddenly a SS tier legendary.

There are 4 perk categories, I divided them under the following names:

  • Circle: mainly burn with some support features.
  • Diamond: attack buffs.
  • Hexagon: mainly buffs, protection and a bit of control/burn.
  • Square: mainly tanking more damage and a bit of burn.

Knowing this you can already see that certain slots can be more useful on certain heroes. Because burning perks work based on the heroes attack or hp. Evil eye is the unit with the highest attack stat but has a really slow attack speed, the slowest of the whole game. But he can become a viable player through perks. Mainly burbing perks or support perks. He has 2 support slots and 1 burning slot.

Most people run him only for the burning damage of the lava girl perk the incidenairy landmine. Which around max level deals around 3000% hero damage over 10 sec.

But what if I say that hr can also be great if you keep him alive die to his control ability to knock out a ubit for 5 sec due to fear and dealing massive damage at the same time. In a 1 v 1 when evil eye can activaye abilities so no ability blockers. He will most likely win the fight. But once a second u it appears he gets easily out powered.

Why does this story about evil eye matter? Well because it shows how a good hero who has a clear weakness can suddenly become great by almost instant killing some supers without proper protection. But also being able to buff your own units while he survives. With for example enchanting music. Allowing your units at later levels to gain attack damage for 5 sec every 10 sec. So 50% of the time and even make your units at max level unkillable. Or fortification which reduces damage by a significant amount for 15 sec in a large area. Although it only works in the heroes who spawned in the area. The area at first is the cross around the hero. But from level 60 is extended to the whole 9 tiles of a square around the hero.

Making it a great asset for every team.

Now that we know the basics we can dive into some insane strategies.

Aqua Vitae that can turn any burning type holder into an amazing support. Do not however that you need to fire an energy based ability therefore you want to gain energy faster by for example performing more attacks or gaining more damage. Throw this therefore either on a fast attacker and or someone who receives and is able to withstand many hits.

22% of hp restoration on max level. Quite a crazy perk in my opinion. Especially since it’s based on the allies own max hp.

So a tank could suddenly restore almost a fourth of his hp through this manner.

But this perk on max level also gives those allies 150 energy making them fire abilities faster.

There are however counters to healing buffs and perks like incurable wound. Which temporarily blocks the healing factor on a specific hero.

One of those perks that counter something like this is deadly swamp. As that perk from level 20 and higher. Makes any enemy standing in the swamp (mid field) gain incurable wound for the duration.

At level 100 it deals 100% damage of the hero. This is also one of the perks that go from hero -> environment. As this is one perk that affects an area on the map temporarily.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 682 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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