Guide to Food Festival Event
By Azu
Quick & Short
Login Rewards
- Simply log in and claim your rewards.
- Use the hero card to select Halysa or Lancelot if you’re in the early game.
- Lee is a decent option as well.
Food Exchange Priorities
- Oracles
- Invokers
- Summons
- Fodder
- Gold
Diamond Shop
If you’re saving for cleo and will be short on diamonds – skip all
- Invokers: Always the best choice.
- Synergy/SMN II: Good value — However, if you’ve been saving for Cleo, likely a skip.
- Bait (Oracles): Avoid unless you’re a spender who can afford the diamond loss before Cleo Oath.
- Red Runes: A very arguable deal, it’s 60K diamonds, which is same value as 50 Oath summons, likely a skip for 99.99% players.
- Roast Chicken/Cake: Only buy enough to afford the above-mentioned deals, keep in mind that you get them passively for free, so only buy this on the last day if needed.
Discount Shop Priorities
Price in Oath Crystals
- 99 – Diamonds
- 199 – Oracles
- 199 – Diamonds
- 499 – Oracles
- 999 – Oath Summons
- 1499 – Yellow Runes
If you’re above light-medium spender, the remaining deals are also good, except for the last one (DD hero).
Food Decree
In my opinion, this is one of the worse decrees in terms of value. However, if you’re a collector and like the icon/frame, feel free to get it—but only after prioritizing the deals mentioned above. It’s still an okay deal, but compared to the Discount Shop deals, it doesn’t come close.
Note: Again, this is just my opinion; adjust according to your preferences and resources.
Be careful when spending Diamonds, last Oath is coming in 1-2 days, so be ready to pull for Cleopatra, as well as Guild-Challenges, spend Diamonds once they’re here (activate Challenge to spend X diamonds).
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