Mesmer (C32 Build Guide)
Build Notables:
- This prestige really wants us to stand and to stack repulsion which also gives us dodge . the Worm is good deity to trigger perpetual praying via prayer 2 and Projection. We also get some heal out of it and damage at any range via prayer 3 which is nice.
- Unataak will allow us to attack at melee while doing our praying + standing combo
- Master Repulsion for the extra block as well as increase in psychic / astral damage
- Koszmar because I was going for the praying + standing combo, and was already planning to pick up Amplify Pain and now also Roil (which is a nice pick for that extra heal). Another culture could have worked just as well with different power picks.
- Psychic Retort for retaliatory guaranteed hits + more repulsion stacking
- Psychokinesis for more repulsion stacking + we stand and hit a lot via Projection
- Astrokinesis see above (there is also synergy with Master Repulsion)
Stand and prayer 2 within range 4 of enemies and watch your repulsion go bbbbbrrrr…
Click to enlarge…
That concludes the guide, hope you found it helpful!
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