Predecessor – Tips for Playing Fey

How to Play Fey

Quick Tips

Some important mechanics with Fey:

Try to RMB even before you Ult (on the same spot) so you get the full RMBs pop damage without a chance of them escaping it. Dont just enjoy watching your ult then, immediately Q to where they get pulled to get the maximum burst.

In lane, i would suggest to freeze and just poke with E (thats why i would max it first). When you want to rotate or the enemy is in base, you can 1shot the wave with RMB + Q and leave even before you see them dying. As suggested, Ult is best used on a duo lane gank and not against an howi or gideon on your lane who is awaiting it.

When contesting river buff, use LMB + instant E or steal it with a ward and an anticipated E without even jumping down into the river.

Use your Q in a different way than you’d use for instance belicas Q. Try not to launch it “in the face” of enemies, but rather zone them (imagine interrupting fangtooth, dont Q into the pit, Q along the edge so they need to walk through to leave.

In Details


  • It goes through walls and up ledges.
  • It deals its damage when enemies walk into it so you don’t have to always ‘land’ it, you can put it in people’s path.
  • At 3:00 when river buffs spawn, AA+Q is enough to snipe it.


  • It refunds mana on hitting heroes, or killing units. So besides the hero poke, use it as a second minion lasthitter.
  • Its range is slightly longer than AA’s so you can kite carries with it.


  • It’s easy to miss minion lasthits in the tick damage, so use AA/E/Q to secure those while RMB is ticking.
  • It’s hard to land fully on moving heroes, try putting it in people’s way as zoning or on yourself when dived. Landing a few ticks is worth it with some on-hit items.


  • The combo is either RMB>R>Q>E, or R>RMB>Q>E. Use RMB first if you’re confident the ult can land afterwards as that’s the most guaranteed damage, but if not, just ult first to catch those narrow opportunities.
  • Doesn’t latch to targets >2m in the air, so don’t try to bring Gideon down. However, once it latches, targets—even if they go airborne—will be pulled down, so Howies and Kallaris that are grounded will be safe.
  • Passive spawns another RMB on kills, so low HP enemies are damage boosts to your ult combo, E them.

Passive also gives movement speed on kills so if someone survives that combo you can chase them down.

Upgrade order (easy): R>RMB>E>Q.

  • I like ranking RMB because it’s such strong waveclear, you can comfortably farm up.
  • Leveling it, it goes from 130 to 370 damage, and 12s to 8s of cooldown,
  • while E, single-target, goes from 70 to 210 and stays 4s cd.
  • RMB is also the main damage of the ult combo, especially if you spawn another one with a kill.

Upgrade order (skillshot): R>E>RMB>Q.

  • E is very strong for poking, trading, and ganking. The damage adds up quickly, and you can still farm well since E lasthits refund 75% of mana.


  • From level 6, you want to rotate often, mostly to the duo lane. Your ult is great for ganking.
  • You can clear the lane quickly and rotate, leaving homework for their mid to deal with.


  • Soulbearer crest: Your ult combo is a lot of predictable damage, so it combo’s well with the lifesteal. Combo on a minion wave for some more. As an immobile mage, the movement speed can help you escape or chase. The shield, is a shield.
  • On-hit effects like Megacosm, Wraith Leggings, Dreambinder: Fey’s basic abilities have low cooldowns and are easy to land at least a tick of often, so on-hit effects are great.
  • The ult is very impactful so Astral Catalyst is great, unless you’re too behind to get kills.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 830 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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