- Click Left Mouse Button to interact with objects in the world.
- Click and drag Left Mouse Button to turn controls like anglecocks, throttles, brakes, CTC panel levers, and so forth.
- Hold Right Mouse Button and move your mouse to look in different directions.
- Control + Left Click on engines and cars to open the Equipment Inspector.
- Shift + Control + Left Click to select an engine or car without going via the Equipment Inspector.
Camera & Movement
- 1 – First Person/Character camera
- 2 – Overhead camera
- WASD – Movement
- Q/E – Lean left/right
- Space – Jump
- Control-T – Teleport to mouse position. Works in 3D and Map view.
- Shift-2 – Jump overhead camera to character position.
With a car selected (by clicking on it and clicking the “Select” button), the following shortcuts will move the first person character or overhead camera relative to the cut of cars the selected car is coupled to. If the overhead camera is selected it will follow that car and pivot around it while RMB is held. Note that this does not change the selected car.
- 0 – Track the end of the train closest to the selected car.
- 9 – Track the end of the train furthest from the selected car.
- Shift-0/Shift-9 – In overhead, change between coupled cars.
- Control-0 – Move character to available seat in selected car.
- L – Toggle lantern
- Shift-R – Pushes or rerails the car under the mouse. Must be standing on the ground, in first person. Hit repeatedly to gradually rerail a derailed car, or manually push a car.
- Control-F – Place fusee on track.
Selected Locomotive or Equipment (See in mouse controls for how to select a piece of equipment)
- B – Bell
- H/Shift-H – Horn/Whistle low tone (h) or high tone (shift+h)
- V + Move Mouse Up/Down – Whistle quill
- J – Headlight
- K – Cylinder cocks
- -/= – Throttle up/down
- [/] – Reverser move left/right. Ctrl-[/] moves by “whole step” on steam locomotives.
- ;/’ – Locomotive brake release/apply
- ,/. – Train brake release/apply
- Shift-Ctrl-M – Move entire consist to another track position. (Sandbox only)
Windows & UI
- F1 – Employee Timetable (Help)
- I – Company window
- M – Map window
- T – Switch list window
- Shift-T – Company mode: Equipment Purchase window. Sandbox: train spawner/placer.
- Ctrl-I – Preferences window
- ~ – Toggle console
- TAB – Toggle car tags overlay
- Ctrl-P – Toggle photo mode (hide UI)
Debug Info
- Shift-? – while hovering over the track with give position data and track grade.
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