Compact MAM – 4 Layers
By Bloodsip.
Here is a more compact version of Phase 3 MAM. I chose this one specifically to help me understand MAM’s again as it’s been awhile since I have played the original Shapez game.
This layout should be able to handle any of the crystal shapes as I have been testing it for a few hours. The inputs are setup a little different. The color is the same and just requires a Color Train (R, B, G, C, Y, M, W) with 7 fluid wagons.
The shapes however were combined to have an individual train running each batch of shapes (Circle, Square,Star, Daimond, Pins). Takes some setup to create a hub where all the colors / shapez come together, but works great!
- Google Drive Link (265 Kb).
Click to enlarge…
Note: In order to get the MAM working, you have to setup some hefty shape / color factories. It’s not something you would normally mess with until you have most things unlocked. They capable of detecting what is required for Shape 0 & Shape 1 (The last two slots on the Operator Milestones). This MAM specifically is built for Shape 1 (The last slot with crystals etc) and I’ll be working towards one machine that handles both. Basically a lot of it has to do with detecting what is coming down a belt, and if it should pass that item along or destroy it. Hairymuppet Gaming has some great videos you can watch to try to learn more, just be sure to start with the Phase 0 so you can learn as you go.
I hope this was helpful to you!
I mean multi-layered, crystalized with different color each
…and so on. Is it stackable?
I made 4-colored crystal (e.g. crcbcgcw) with exchanger, but have no idea to make 4-layered-4-colored each erystal (e.g. crcbcgcw:cycwcmcc).
Do you think that is possible to make?