Shogun Showdown – Quick Guide to Characters

Characters Guide

By Misc. (Macerator).

When starting a new game, only The Wanderer is unlocked. The player can unlock new characters by playing the game.

Each character has an amount of starting health, 2 attack tiles, and a special move. Starting tiles always come with exactly 3 upgrade slots (tiles in game appear with 2 to 4). A list of characters can be found below.

The Wanderer

  • Starting Health: 10
  • Starting Attacks: Swirl 2, Arrow 2
  • Special Move – Swap: Trade places with the enemy directly in front of you.

The Ronin

  • Starting Health: 5
  • Starting Attacks: Spear 2, Smoke Bomb 1
  • Special Move – Push: Push the enemy directly in front of you 1 cell.

The Assassin

  • Starting Health: 5
  • Starting Attacks: Assassin’s Mark, Slash 2
  • Special Move – Swap: Trade places with the enemy directly in front of you.

The Shadow

  • Starting Health: 5
  • Starting Attacks: Swirl 2, Grappling Hook 1
  • Special Move – Phase: Dashes through enemies to the first free cell behind them.


Each character starts with 2 attack tiles, after which the player may have an option to add new ones in the reward screen after each Hour. There are currently 18 tiles in the game, including 1 character exclusive and 1 boss exclusive. All tiles appear with 2-4 upgrade slots in the reward screen. A full list of tiles can be found below.

Each tile has 4 UI elements:

  • Tile Type: The image to the right shows the type of tile. Its color will change when adding an effect to the tile.
  • Damage: The large number to the left is the damage that the tile deals.
    • Tiles can not have more than 9 total damage, upgrades that add damage which would bring it above 9 cannot be applied.
  • Cooldown: The gray squares at the bottom are the cooldown. After use, the tile will gray out, with the squares filling in darker to show how many turns before it is refreshed.
    • Tiles can not have more than 7 total cooldown, upgrades that add cooldown which would bring it above 7 cannot be applied.
  • Upgrade Slots: The circles above the tile (in locations/reward screen) show the max upgrades the tile can have, with free slots being white while filled ones are gold.
    • Tiles can not have more than 8 upgrade slots, upgrades that add more upgrade slots which would bring it above 8 cannot be applied.

Tiles may have Keywords (such as Movement), used by Perks when adding extra damage or effects.

Tile Upgrades

May be gained at random in the reward screen after each Hour, or purchased from the Blacksmith. Current Upgrades listed below:

  • -1 Cooldown
  • -2 Cooldown
  • -3 Cooldown, -1 Damage
  • +1 Damage
  • +1 Damage, +1 Cooldown
  • +1 Upgrade Slot
  • Add Electric Effect, +1 Cooldown
  • Add Poison Effect, +2 Cooldown
  • Add Free Play, +3 Cooldown
  • Add Ice Effect, +4 Cooldown
  • Add Double-Strike Effect, +4 Cooldown

Tile Effects

Effects add an additional mechanic to the tiles’ attack, changing the tile’s art to show which Effect is applied. Each Tile can only have 1 effect added to it. A Tile may have both an Effect and a Trait.

  • Poison: Deals 1 damage to affected enemies every other turn, up to 3 total damage per enemy. Poison does not stack, but does refresh previous application. Colors the tile green, with a secondary color of purple.
  • Electric: If striking an enemy with one or more enemies contiguous to it, deals +1 damage to itself and contiguous enemies. Electric does not stack. Colors the tile yellow, and visually gives Slash and Swirl, curved blades.
  • Ice: Freezes enemy in ice for 2 turns. Colors the tile blue, and visually adds a bezel to some weapons.
  • Double-Strike: Attack tile is used twice. Colors the tile red, and visually adds a jagged edge to some weapons.

Tile Traits

Traits add an additional mechanic to how the player uses a tile, adding an overlay of some type to the Tile to show which Trait is applied. Each tile can have only 1 Trait and 1 Effect (like ice).

Free Play

Adding the Tile to the attack queue does not take a turn.


Combos happen when killing more than one enemy in a single execution of the queue. In a combo, each tile that kills an enemy after the first will be instantly refreshed.


Passive abilities that can be purchased from various Shop Locations. Many perks can be purchased multiple times, giving cumulative bonuses. Perks cost 15 coins, with each additional level costing +5 coins. The maximum level for all perks is 4, as only 4 shops are visited during a run of the game.

Lucky Perk Details*: dropProbability=(1+Luck%)*baseDropProbability.

i.e. lucky lvl 2(+40%) and edamame brew(baseDropProbability=0.05): dropProbability=(1+0.4)*0.05=0.07

Rates have a maximum “cap” of 100%(i.e. getting 2 coins from a normal enemy isn’t possible even with more than one level of the Lucky perk).

  • Back Stabber
    • +1 damage when hitting from behind.
    • +1 damage to enemies who are hit from behind, per perk level.
  • Big Pockets
    • Gain an extra potion slot.
    • Can be upgraded to level 4.
  • Critter
    • 10% extra crit chance.
    • +10% crit chance per perk level. Critical Hits do ×2 tile damage.
  • Dynamic Boost
    • +1 damage for attack following a movement tile.
    • +1 damage for attacks following a movement tile per perk level.
  • Fortress
    • Start fight with a shield.
    • Additional upgrades add +1 health regen per Hour. You also get a shield in shops (unclear if intended).
  • Healthy
    • +2 max HP per level.
    • Increases max HP by 2 while also healing the player by 2 on pickup, if possible.
  • Lucky
    • 20% of drops after killing an enemy.
    • +20% coin/potion drop rate per level.*
  • Sniper
    • +1 damage when hitting from 4 cells away or further.
  • Unfriendly Fire
    • Enemies deal +1 damage to each other.

Potions / Parchment

Potions can be dropped when an enemy is killed and then picked up by moving into the cell they were dropped in. Potions can also be bought from the potion master. The player can hold up to 3 potions normally.

  • Hovering over a potion gives a tooltip of what it does.
  • Using potions does not count as a turn.
  • The player always starts the game with one Edamame Brew.
  • Edamame Brew
    • Heal 3 HP.
  • Cool-Up
    • Fully recharges tiles and special move cooldown.
  • Kami Brew
    • Get a Shield.
  • Frozen Time
    • 3 Free Actions.
  • Mass Curse
    • Curse all enemies (They take 2× damage the next hit)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 1246 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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