Tavern Master – Advanced and Beginners Tips

Management Tips

Basic tips

  • Have waitresses assigned at the bar to do drinks and cleaning, nothing else.
  • Have the ones assigned at the chef counter, food and cleaning, no drinks.
  • Have one personal 100% dedicated to just takeout and have his space next to the takeout window.
  • Sure if things are ‘slow’ you can have low 9but not zero) priority on takeout with your other food servers.
  • When you unlock your second kitchen. I’d put both on the same floor so you get 6 cheffs cooking.
  • I don’t recommend serving drink/food on multiple floors.
  • Second floor should prbalhy be for rooms to rent, initially and only after a lot longer, expand to putting a second kitchen and service up on the third floor.

How to optimize tavern

  • When you starting a tavern fill all barrels with water, attracts more guests, before the champion table you can resell (its not worth it when you mass special ingredients, but you still can if you are on – money and want to keep producing meals).
  • The empty food crates (sells for 70) and buy new one for 100 which is a big refill just for 30 gold (they should start empty, why they start with ingredients).
  • Before you build a take out counter, put decorations on the wall.
  • They will remain there after you put the special wall, gives you extra space for dec in small taverns if you need it.
  • If you have too much customers per day and not enough space simply increase the prices, then build more bars.
  • Fill them with water and increase prices even more (as i left the basement empty for a game room but not many people join the game, and i need 402 seats for the last special event, i can do that, i don’t liked it but i tested it and sadly it works).
  • I have some floors without any bars or tables, so its a good thing to have a fire extinguisher with an extra waitress there just in case.
  • But i tend to put my flammable stuff away from lights so it never gets on fire (with the exception where i put rugs everywhere and its inevitable).

In the beginning of the game when you barely get anything but commons without an event, i simply wait in the research menu and as soon as a research reaches its common goal, i swap it for another to fill that while waiting for the event to happen.

Good tip is when you are upgrading tables and seats, do not sell them, but stash them, as the event guests % gets higher and higher.

Sometimes i end up with not enough seats and tables to fulfill it.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 830 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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