Top War: Battle Game – Heroes Pairing Rules Guide

Heroes Pairing Rules and Guidelines

One of the most common questions almost everyone asks is whether their chosen heroes are good enough. Or wether any recently released hero is compatible with their current heroes and which one to replace them with. This has long puzzled the players since the beginning of the game and still remains one of the major mysteries of it Hence, with the help of experienced players we were able to devise a general guideline for pairing heroes for the three army types.

In order to pair any three heroes in a march one must consider first to divide all heroes into three main categories based on their abilities and skills. After this is done then one must chose one hero from each category in their march. This is the first rule of pairing heroes in which following it alone will give you a good enough march. However, there will be a second rule for choosing best options from each category which will increase the strength of your march significantly.

First Rule of Pairing Heroes

Despite the fact each hero has their own abilities and skills, there is still common ones that are shared between them. The only difference is the strength of that ability not the description itself. Of course we cannot ignore the other parts of each hero’s skill but before even starting to consider them we should first look at the common ones. The rest will be covered under the second rule of heroes pairing discussed further later.

There are three major categories that all heroes can be listed under. Each provides a certain aspect of strength to the march and extremely important to the overall performance. Without either of the skills of each category the march will significantly become imbalanced towards either the offensive or defensive, while our objective is to build a march that can withstand both situations of battles. The three categories along with their descriptions, importance and some examples of heroes categorized under them are listed below.

Heroes with Indestructible Effect

From the name of it heroes that fall under this category are equipped with indestructible effect. Now what is indestructible effect and what’s its importance in march?

Indestructible effect is basically a shield that is activated to either specific type units or all. The importance of indestructible is that they reduce the general damage your units receive in battle. The general damage is any kind of damage that your units might receive including regular attacks’ damage and trigger damage. In short, without having indestructible in your march, the durability of the units will be significantly reduced

Enhancement Heroes

Enhancement heroes are heroes that basically provide provide either two of the Enhancements effects, ATK and HP Enhancements. Although both enhancements types are important, but in this category we will focus on the ATK enhancement.

The ATK Enhancement effect based heroes are heroes that provide ATK to either specific units type or all units. The important thing needed to be mentioned about the ATK Enhancement provided by heroes is that it is treated as damage increase to the units which significantly boosts units’ all types of damage.

On last note, you probably wondering why would we need have a category based on ATK Enhancement rather than an HP one?

There are two reasons for this:

  1. ATK enhancement provided by heroes is treated as DMG increase rather than regular attack.
  2. HP enhancement is usually offered by trigger based heroes (Third category). As well as indestructible effect offered in first category is more valuable than HP enhancement. Thus, one way or another we have a source of protection by other categories while we don’t have ATK enhancement offered by either of them except for rare cases.

Trigger / Damage Heroes

Lastly, we have the main damage source of the march. When we say the source of the damage it means that the heroes fallen under this category have the ability to do maximum damage when triggered. This means such heroes have an active skill with a decent amount of damage power. They are usually called trigger heroes because their active skill triggers upon regular attacks. The most important things to remember about these:

  1. Usually have high trigger rate meaning that their active skill is more likely to trigger than other heroes.
  2. Their active skill have very powerful damage.
  3. They target more than one stack of units from the enemy march.
  4. Along with their trigger skill, they usually have a passive skill that is usually an HP enhancement, or trigger after effect skill which will be the focus of the second rule of hero pairing

Second Rule of Pairing Heroes

Up to this point we have divided our heroes into three main categories, Indestructible Heroes, Enhancement Heroes and Trigger Heroes. Most players focus only on first rule of pairing as they are unaware or simply don’t understand the second rule of pairing. It is usually a bit tricky to make proper decisions when it comes to choosing sorted heroes from first rule, as even after dividing and sorting them it doesn’t directly tell us which heroes to pick for our marches. The usual approach done by most players is that they go with the heroes with the utmost damage/Enhancement from each category. However, this is not the most optimal and effective approach and will not always provide you with the best possible results.

Before starting with the details of the alternative approach it is important to mention that second rule is actually unit type specific rule. This means that each of unit type (Naval, Army, Air Force) marches will have their differences and similarities. However, this guide will provide a linkage between differences in order to properly devise a general rule.

Unit Types’ Special Effects

Prior to defining a rule we need to clarify the special effects of each of the three unit types. This part is very important to understand as it is the main core of the second rule. Special Effects: of unit types is actually an additional skill/effect that is provided by heroes from any of the three category heroes. The reason they are called unit type special effects is that they are generally different from one type of units to another, they are simply unique for each of the Naval, Army and Air Force types. There are many of them to be listed as the number of heroes available is rather large, but we will focus on the most recent and based on them you can expand the rule to all special effects. Thus, the important step is to fully understand what are the special effects and how to find them?

As for the definition of the special effects, they are additional skills that are provided by the heroes of that type, and such skills do not appear for other types.

For example, the Ignition effect is considered as an Air Force special effect, because they appear in most cases only in Air Force marches, similarly Heavy/Light Armors and ATK Debuff (AKA Debilitation) are the most common special effects of Naval units. The most recently introduced effect Magnetic Pulse is the special effect of Army up to this point. These are only few examples and aside from them there are many to be seen, like vulnerability, rage, silent precision, silence etc. Such skills can be found within the description of heroes skills, and despite it being boring at first to read the description of all heroes to extract the full list of skills, one will only need to look at the recent 6 heroes (2 from each of the main categories ) + universal heroes of the unit type they are welling to build a march for. This will definitely eliminate most of the heroes and will help with the final step of pairing.

Special Effects Issuers and Collectors

Up to this point we have properly categorized our heroes and seen the definition of special effects and further categorized our heroes. Now we can start with our final step for properly building a march. In this step we will devise the general rule. The first part of this rule is to have at least two heroes of the same special effect(s) so that we create harmony. The harmony if established properly will help increasing the power of the march indefinitely.

The main idea of the rule is to have a collector and an issuer heroes of the same skill in the march. What does this mean?

  • Hero Special effect issuer:

Is a hero that once the conditions of its skill are met they would activate the special effects on the enemy units, these type of heroes are called Issuers like in tax system, they simply issue the skill on the enemy marches.

  • Hero Special effect collector:

Is a hero that in its active skill there resides a boost to it if and only if the targeted units are under the special effect. They are basically like the collectors in the tax system, they do not collect a tax unless there has been a tax issued before.

The collectors and issuers in general are heroes that act like give and take during the battle. The harmonic system established by the them is very important and cannot be neglected. Although it might look straightforward at this point we need to mention that it might get messy in certain cases where we might have to take hard decisions especially for the navy pairing, but they won’t be of major concern. We need to keep in mind that some cases we might have only issuers in the march, this is totally fine as not all special skills have collectors, so we will replace the collector with another issuer to make double issuers march.

The second rule doesn’t only work on a single special effect, but rather on whatever the heroes might offer, as the more the merrier. This is usually seen in Naval marches as the Navy heroes tend to offer multiple special skills, so we need to consider all possibilities to maximize the harmony in our marches. On the contrary, Army is the easiest to pair as they generally have limited number of special effects. Air Force is totally dependent on Ignition effect which makes our task to maximize the ignition harmonic effect.

Note: Please remember that the issuer-collector harmonic rule do not bypass the first pairing rule. This means that we cannot sacrifice indestructible for an example to add a collector or an issuer.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 1261 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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