Engima Beast Spawning: Step by Step Guide
Step 1: Place Your Beast
- Place your Beast. You have 1 free daily attempt to spawn.
- It’s recommended to pick the highest Beast rarity you have.
- Send invitations to chats. Only your friends can send applications. So I recommend you add friends who are active players in your alliance first.
- Check applications and accept them. It’s recommended to accept high rarity Beasts first.
Step 2: Join Friend’s Spawn
- Choose “Visit”. You also have 1 free daily attempt to join.
- You can only visit friends, so please remember to add friends. Recommend applying to the friend’s spawning with your highest Beast rarity first.
- Press “Apply” and pick the highest rarity of your Beast. Then wait for your friend to accept it.
Breeding Rarity:
Press “!” to see rarity chance. This is why we should prioritize our highest Beast rarity.
Step 3: Cheering
- Choose “Visit”
- Pick spawning team.
- Press “Cheer”. You have 10 daily attempts to cheer and 10 attempts to receive cheering
Extra Notes:
- The new Enigma Beast’s rarity is related to the previous generation.
- The base owner-placed Enigma Beast won’t be consumed.
- Commanders can withdraw their beasts, but one spawning attempt will still be consumed.
- Enigma Beasts are occupied during the spawning process and cannot be placed in more than one spawning building at the same time.
- Commanders have a limited number of visits per day to spawn Enigma Beasts.
You can also buy more attempts by spending but I don’t recommend to priority buy it.
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