WARNO – How to Use an AT-Planes

Useful Tips for AT-Planes (Anti-Tank Planes)

This is an simplification, as there is more situations and factors playing into it.

Situation 1: Your Opponent is Microing the Target

How to Kill It:

Fly the plane towards the target, but pull back before you enter enemy AA ranges to make them pop smoke. Once the smoke is popped, you can attempt to engage it. Always try to fly the AT-plane in from the side of the target so you hit side armor instead of front armor to one-shot the vehicle.

Make sure that you target the vehicle in this situation when flying in for the kill, as you don’t want your AT-plane to shoot at some random trucks.

Situation 2: Your Opponent is Doing a Mass Assault and Is Unlikely to Pay Much Attention to Single Vehicles

How to Maximize Kills:

Again, fly in from the side if you have time. You do not want to target any target this time around as you want your plane to do quick fly byes instead of diving in. Direct the aircraft over the vehicles and just let it do its job. EVAC it as soon as it have done one pass as you want as little downtime as possible.

Situation 3: Super High Value Target

How to Kill It:

Force your opponent to pop smoke on the vehicle before engaging with the AT plane (either through ATGMs, tanks, infantry, etc). When the smoke is down you just suicide trade your plane for the high value target by flying straight at it with a target order.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 1261 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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