ZEPHON – Line of Sight Explanatory Guide

Explaining Line of Sight (LOS)

By Soul-Delicatessen


  • All units (including HQ, bunkers etc.) of all types (ground, hovering and flying) have a LOS of 3 (with exception of the Wyrms).
  • Attack range is not the same as LOS.
  • Captured outposts have a LOS of 1.=> [Pic 1]
  • Open terrain (plains, swamp, wasteland, construct, winter etc.), cities and outposts doesn’t block line of sight.

Dense Terrain Tiles

  • Includes forest / ruins / bleed / enemy city tiles.
  • Place unit adjacent a DT tile, and they can see what’s there (its visible). => [Pic 2]
  • If there’s DT tile after the first adjacent DT tile, there is no line of sight in the 2nd tile (its blocked). => [Pic 2 and Pic 3]
  • If the first tile (adjacent to your unit) is open space, and the next / 2nd tile is a DT tile, that 2nd tile is not visible => [Pic 6].
  • Say in one direction only, there’s a DT tile adjacent to your unit, you won’t get full vision for some tiles after. Easier to see the picture by what I mean. Compare the LOS to the cliff and the tiles around the adjacent Bleed tile => [Pic 3]
  • If bleed is stacked on forest / ruins / city tiles, there’s no difference.
  • Enemy cities act like DT tiles. => [Pic 5].


  • If your ground or hovering unit is adjacent to a cliff and is on the higher / lower elevation of it, it reduces LOS and attack range to 1. However, if that same unit is not directly adjacent to a cliff, it does not block or affect LOS and range => [Pic 4, 7 and Osg’s].
  • Flying units not affected by cliffs.


  • Garrisoned Watchtower (any unit whether ground, hover or flying) ignores LOS restrictions (DT tiles) and increases LOS by +1.
  • Oblivion Cannon ignores LOS restrictions, as long as visibility is on that tile.
  • Sandstorm and “The Fog” reduce LOS by -1 and they block LOS by acting like a forest / ruins / bleed.

Pic 1:

Pic 2:

Pic 3:

Pic 4:

Pic 5:

Pic 6:

Pic 7:

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 830 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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