Arman Location Guide
Can’t find Arman? He’s definitely done one of a few things since you’ve spawned on Makeshift Camp.
- He always spawns between the motel and the radio tower.
- After a set time which varies depending on the map, he starts moving around, and will leave the map after a while.
- Sometimes he won’t leave the map, it really varies on the seed you get when spawning.
- He can die on the way to leaving, so if you don’t find him, he could be dead behind cover or something.
- If you hear any suppressed rapid fire, it’s Arman. GA doesn’t spawn with silencers, and bandits don’t either. Occasionally, Orel will, but the FRD doesn’t fire fast enough.
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Alternative Method
- Ctrl + Alt + P.
- Look for the cyan dot at the minimap.
- Follow the cyan dot.
- Ctrl + Alt + P (optional).
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