S7 Hecate Hero Preview
By OppaiLover
The following S7 Hero preview and commentary are based on my personal experience. They have not been thoroughly tested or proven and are provided solely for reference.
Hecate Overview
- Role: DPS / Buffer
- At 8 stars
- 678% MDMG to all enemies
- At 9 stars
- 270% MDMG to all enemies
Passive 1
- At 6 stars
- Healing: Get additional ATK equal to 25% of the healing received (limited to 100M)
Passive 2
- At 7 stars
- Healing: Get ATK 1 boost herself
- Maximum stacks of ATK Boost by 10 for all allies
- 20 stacks of ATK boost triggers Invincibility for her for 1 round
Oath Force
- At 10 stars
- Ally revived, gain all stacks of Hecates ATK boost [PVP only]
- Ally revived, Hecate gain 20 stack of ATK boost [PVP only]
- 20 stacks of ATK boost triggers Invincibility for her for 1 round
- ATK boost 5%
Skill counter
- DEF counter
Exclusive rune
- Gains 1 additional stack of ATK Boost when taking action
- Increases the maximum stacks of ATK Boost for allies by 20-30-40
- She is a DPS units but locked up pretty much with Avenger team in PVP.
- Need high investment (11 stars) to get all ATK buff.
Pros and Cons
- Increase ATK if get healing
- AOE all enemies
- Deviant can self heal by leech
- Revived ally gain her buff and she can ATK boost
- Need high star to be shine
- Ally Revive buff only work in PVP
- Hit all enemies meaning each hit is a bit weak
- Invincible only last 1 round and take time to trigger
- Heavly depend on healing or revive
- Avenger comp locked (PVP).
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