Guide to S7 Hope Tree
By OppaiLover
The Hope Tree (Season 7)
The Hope Tree for S7 has been updated from Season 6:
- You must now choose either the right or left branch as you progress.
- The top two nodes (left and right) are not linked to the tree, meaning they can be activated regardless of the branch you select.
Here is the updated Hope Tree
- Mystifier Tree
- Ethereal Tree
- Avenger Tree
- Doom Tree
- Valiantor Tree
- Glorians Tree
- Seasonal Buff
The Hope Tree Strategy
Hope Tree update Focus for PVE (mainly for RO)
Based on last season. The guide may updated again once the RO Nightmare difficulty is out
Glorians synergy
- Left Branch: Energy on Ultimate (Max), Grace of Hunter (max)
- Radiant Purify (top left)
- Proof of Glorians (top right)
Mystifier synergy
- Left Branch: Energy basic attack (max out)
- Bone Corruption (top left)
- Proof of Mystifier (top right)
With this setup, you’ll need 3 Mystifiers along with 2 Glorians healer or Divine for support. The Mystifiers will apply Corrode to damage the enemies (or bosses), while Glorians will boost your damage from “converting healing to attack” and clear the debuff.
Alternative Setup
If your Mystifiers aren’t strong but you have good Ethereal units, you can try this setup instead:
- [Ethereal synergy]
- Right Branch: Eneergy on skill (max), Grace of Shadow (max)
- [Glorians synergy]
- Left Branch: Energy on Ultimate (lv1 ), Grace of Hunter (max)
- Radiant Purify (top left)
- Proof of Glorians (top right)
This will increase your team’s dodge rate. Each time a unit dodges, they will use 50 energy to cast their ultimate, boosting your damage output.
You can also pair 2 Glorians healer or Divine for support to boost your damage from “converting healing to attack” and clear the debuff.
Red ore upgrade suggestion for PVP only
Buffs Circled in Red, Orange, and Yellow:
- These are tailored for Seraphic Ruins Boss. While upgrading them won’t guarantee a win, it makes the boss stage easier.
Recommendation: Upgrade these only when necessary for progression.
Middle 5 Buffs
- Primarily beneficial for PVP and GVG. Upgrade them according to your guild’s recommendations and requirements to optimize team performance.
Buff with red arrows
- These are the most effective for PVP. Max these out if you actively participate in these modes.
Luminas and Eclipticas upgrade suggestion
- Based on my experience from the last season, these two synergy buffs are more effective for PVE content.
- In PVP, however, their impact is minimal and not particularly useful.
- Recommendation: Focus on upgrading these buffs only after prioritizing other synergies. Consider maxing them out last, when you have extra resources to spare.
Updated Hope Tree Energy Generation Mechanics
Season 7 has introduced Positive Moonglow and Negative Moonglow energies. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and recommendations for team planning:
Energy Generation Basics
Positive and Negative Moonglow:
- Right branch of hope tree: Generates Negative Moonglow.
- Left branch of hope tree: Generates Positive Moonglow.
Energy Cancellation
- These energies cancel each other.
- Example: If a Glorians unit generates 10 Positive Moonglow and a Mystifier unit generates 5 Negative Moonglow, the net energy is 5 Positive Moonglow, not 15
Mixed Synergy Teams (PVE Recommendations)
- Teams with two active Hope Tree synergies require planning to avoid energy cancellation.
Recommended Pairings and Branch Choices
- [Glorians + Mystifier]: Both choose Left Branch.
- [Glorians + Doomsdayser]: Both choose Left Branch.
- [Glorians + Ethereal]: Both choose Left Branch.
- Ensure Synergymate+1 is activated for the all synergate mentioned above
For synergies like Valiantor and Avenger, keep the synergymate+1 is inactive. I don’t recommend you mix these synergy buff for PVE
Solo Synergy teams Branch Choices
- Valiantor: Choose Right Branch.
- Avenger: Choose Left Branch.
- Ethereal: Choose Right Branch (only if you decided not to mix it with Glorians synergy)
Mostly you will need this solo synergy team in PVP.
Tree Upgrade Priorities
Hope Tree upgrades in Season 7 are significantly more challenging:
- Branch Selection: You must now choose between the left or right branch.
- Synergymate+1 Lock: This ability is locked until you spend 30 Blue Ore on a synergy tree upgrade. Which means you need to fully upgrade two nodes on one side of the branch.
Below are my recommendations for how to upgrade the hope tree.
Complete One Side of the Tree
- Select either the left or right branch for your synergy tree.
- Fully upgrade two nodes on the chosen branch
- Unlock Synergymate+1.
Which Synergy go first?
From the strategy above for seaonal PVE content, I recommend upgrading synergies in this order:
- Glorians
- Mystifier
- Doomdayser
- Etherea
- Avenger and Valiantor
Luminas and Eclipticas Upgrade Suggestion
Upgrade priority: Red, then yellow, then green for both Luminas and Eclipticas
- Based on my experience from the last season, these two synergy buffs are more effective for PVE content.
- In PVP, however, their impact is minimal and not particularly useful.
- Focus on upgrading these buffs only after completed other synergies.
- Consider maxing them out last, when you have extra resources to spare.
Synergy Activation
You can activate the Luminas Synergy and Eclipticas Synergy to gain extra buffs.
- Luminas Synergy: Increase ATK 200% in PVP only
- Eclipticas Synergy: Increase DEF 200% in PVP only
To activate:
- Luminas Synergy: Requires at least 1 Positive Moonglow.
- Eclipticas Synergy: Requires at least 1 Negative Moonglow.
- Awaken the heroes with Synergy Awaken Token
Synergy Awaken Token
- Activate the synergies above for the heroes using the Synergy Awaken Token.
- Synergy Awaken Tokens can be obtained after clearing the Hard Stage and difficulties above of Tome of Itheron.
- Awaken heroes based on your Hope Tree synergy branch. If following the recommended guide:
- Prioritize awakening Glorians, Mystifier, and Doomsdayer DPS heroes for Luminas Synergy.
- Prioritize awakening Ethereal, Valiantor, and Avenger DPS heroes for Eclipticas Synergy.
If you choose a different branch, ensure you awaken heroes following the same logic.
Additional Tips
In theory, you can mix Luminas Synergy heroes with Eclipticas Synergy heroes to gain both buffs.
However, doing so will significantly slow down Moonglow generation, delaying the activation of Hope Tree buffs. It is not recommended to do this.
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